Monday, January 16, 2012


Lakshmi welcomes us at the Chennai Airport

I landed in Chennai after a day of travel and cried with joy coming out of the airport at being back in the holy land of Sri Sri Radhe Shyam! There is no place like India - the smells, the sights and after being here in 2007 in the north - it left a lasting impression and it was like a homecoming to be back! I was able to sleep most of the 10 hour plane ride from London to Chennai as it was not very full - so I stretched out over 3 seats and only slept a few hours at this great hotel I am at called the Raintree - very nice place in the heart of Chennai - I meet up with the group tomorrow and then we head an hour south to Mahabalipuram which is right on the coast of the Bay of Bengal for 3 days of yoga and chanting and visits to the temples that have been here for hundreds and hundreds of years.

View from my room 

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